We took the review test. Here is a copy. The second link is the answers. Try to take the test first, then look.
Review Test 1
Test Key
So the few discussion points we reviewed from Friday's blog:
Energy Deficiencies: Reduction in overall health and performance abilities. You can also over feed both. Overfeeding these can lead to excess fat. It is wasteful. Horses can develop stress from too much energy and protein.
Protein deficiencies in young horses can hurt the growth pattern. Protein is vital for for sustaining growth. They can become incredibly unhealthy if they lack enough protein during this stage. Mature horses do not need as much. You see more problems with hair and hoof and tissues....all things that continue to grow even after the body is mature.
Saddle parts:
English Saddle
Western Saddle
Print off or draw a copy of the above saddles. Some parts will be on both....some won't. Grab some crayons and Color the parts of the saddle according to what I call out below.
Red: The Seat (both)
Green: Cantle (Both)
Purple: Horn
Pink: Panel
Brown: Pommel (both)
Black: Stirrup (Both)
Blue: Knee Roll
Orange: Skirt
Light Blue: Gullet
yellow: Cinch Strap
Gray: Stirrup leather
Light green: Flap
Light purple: Twist
Red polka dots: Fender
Tan: Stirrup Keeper
Green Stripes: Latigo and Latigo holder
Purple stars: Flank Billet
Check your answers here with Western Saddle and English Saddle
I cannot figure out at this time how to post my horse color review, since it is a powerpoint. Just read through the website from the last post again.
We did a run through of some health problems. Each person researched two topics and shared their findings.
Alice talked about colic: It's an abdominal pain caused by intestinal parasites, twisted intestines. Must be treated quickly. Founder (Laminitis) caused by too much carb intake causes bacterial imbalance. Must be treated immediately. Treat by coating intestinal tract with mineral oil. There comes a point when it is no longer treatable.
Ricky: Thrush is a bacterial infection in the frog of the foot. Symptoms include black smelly material and degradation of bar. Caused by infected soil and poor hoof health care. Topical antibiotic. Equine infectious Anemia is a virus. High Temperature, depression, stiffness/weakness, anemia, jaundice, loss of condition and weight with good appetite. Result is death. No treatment. Prevention is Coggins Testing.
Sammy: Heaves is horse asthma. There is no real cure but you can cope with it by using non dusty feed and trying to stay away from dusty environments. Tetanus is deadly is in most cases. Muscles stiffen. Treat by antibiotics and antitoxins. Horses must be protected by light and sound because it causes nervousness. Caused by clostridium tetani found in soil and feces. Gets into cuts.
We kinda started feeds and feeding. Go ahead and scroll down to the powerpoints and look through the information about the different feeds and what they offer.
Feeds and Feeding Lesson Plan
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