Monday, March 19, 2012

Judging Hunter Under Saddle

We have discussed on multiple times how to judge a Hunter Under Saddle class in our practices. Take a moment and write down 5 things you want to look for in a Hunter Under Saddle class.

Once you've done that view the youtube videos below and place the class accordingly. For those of you who missed practice, this is one of the classes we placed today.

Horse 1:

Horse 2:

Horse 3:

Horse 4:

1 comment:

  1. I placed this class of Hunter Under Saddle 3-4-2-1.

    I placed 3 at the top of the class, because he was an easier moving horses showing more ability and was most ideal.

    I placed 3 over 4 because he was more consistent throughout the performance with smoother transitions. He was more alert and attentive. He had a more stylish way of going. Horse 4 had more contact with the bit throughout the entire class. He had longer strides that covered more ground. I do grant that 4 had a freer smoother trop the 2nd way about the ring.

    I placed 4 over 2 for being a more ideal hunter horse. Horse 4 had freer smoother movements and appearanced to be a softer mover. 4 held his head still more consistently. I do grant that 2 showed more contact with the bit consistently and covered more ground with his movements.

    I placed 2 over 1 as 2 had longer smoother strides throughout the class and covered more ground. I do grant 1 had a short stronger body more ideal to hunter purposes.

    It is for these reasons that I placed this class of Hunter Under Saddle 3-4-2-1.
